中国へ旅行される方や、春節で戻られる方へは、 以下の英文を自動翻訳した内容で、証明書をお送りいたします。今年の春節の日にちは、1月25日、土曜日、つまり明日のようですので。24日から30日までの間限定となります。
Medical Certificate
Mrs or Mr ●●●●● is our patient of anti-obesity therapy department. She or He is now under the treatment of liraglutide weight loss program. Please refer to the web site of
She or He is healthy and does not have complication of the liraglutide drug.
Although she or he has a self-injection pen, it is safe and it is for self injection only. if you have a somewhat question, please read the websites below.
I am a medial doctor and the specialist of diabetology, and have abundant knowledge of this drug. I am responsible for all the contents of these two sites and the treatment. please feel free to contact me.
President of HDC Atlas Clinic
Yoshihiko Suzuki MD. , Ph.D.
5-3-9, ichibancho, chiyodaku, Tokyo , Japan